From Coronations to Car Parks…

Hello Everyone!

We had a great time in Green Room this week drawing King Charles, playing car parks and adding to our allotment.

At Circle Time, the children were keen to talk about the King’s Coronation, their observations and the celebrations they took part in over the weekend to commemorate it. As lots of our children love creating art, we decided to challenge them by giving them half a picture of King Charles. First, Kate modelled to them how they could go about creating the other side of his face and body, making observations about his facial features and the colours on his suit and medals. We gave them the option of what they wanted to use to make their picture including felt tips, crayons and water colours. As you can see the children took lots of different approaches, abstract and realism, for their portraits.

Cars have been a very popular choice of play with our children, so we have added a few more cars and trucks to the collection. We decided to enhance the Conversation Station with a numbered car park, cars and registration plates too. The children have enjoyed taking their cars on different journeys around the town and parking in the different car parking spaces.

To further the children’s interest in transport, we read a story called ‘The Naughty Bus’, which the children were fascinated by the adventures of the bus around the house and falling in the pond. The illustrations are very engaging as they are photographs and the text is also written in a pictorial way too, eg, the word bed as a bed.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get out on Muddy Morning this week but instead we worked on our allotment, as the potatoes needed more soil adding as the leaves had started to grow through. The children helped water the plants too and took some chalk to to drawn pictures of the insects you might find in the allotment.

In the Curiosity Cube this week we added some information about Bees as World Bee Day is on the 20th May this year, and we wanted to share the importance of Bees and their pollination of our food crops with the children. We talked about the fact that without bees, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition would likely suffer.

In our Role Play area we have added school uniforms, so that the children can practice putting on and taking off various items of clothing, which is all part of developing their independence for starting Big School. They are using their gross motor skills to put the uniform on, but also their fine motor skills to do up the buttons. Some schools have started contacting us for information about the children attending their schools and we will be talking to the children about the schools they are going to very soon.

The children have also expressed an interest in flags this week, and so, as Eurovision is a hot topic at the moment we set up a lucky dip for them to pull out a flag for a country that is in the Eurovision song contest. The children then each had a go at drawing their flag.

To reinforce the sounds we have learnt so far and add a couple more sounds to the children’s knowledge, we played I Spy with different objects from our Phonics tubs. Very simple to play at home too, choosing objects beginning with ‘s’,’a’,’t’,’p’,’i’,’n’. Having the objects in front of the children helps them zone in on a limited amount of options rather than looking round a whole room might be quite overwhelming.

And finally, to support the children’s understanding of the number system and counting to 20, we have added numbered dino feet down our corridor, so every time they go to the bathroom area they are practicing their numbers going there and counting backwards coming back to the room.

Have a great weekend.

The Green Room Team

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