Let’s Stay and Play…

Hello Everyone!

We’ve had a great week going on this week learning about symmetry, keeping our oceans clean and the ‘p’ sound.

On Monday, we introduced the children to the concept of symmetry. We used this webpage for the children match the other side of the picture and shape. You can have a go at home too following this link https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-matching We then investigated symmetry further by using mirrors, to see the other half of the butterfly in the mirror. They were then each given half a butterfly and had to find the other half. We got out our butterfly wings, to add to our roleplay area and enhanced our Curiosity Cube with butterfly related items including ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and the life cycle of a butterfly.

There has been a keen interest in all this football recently so we added this to our Conversation Station. We added different team emblems, shirts and players. We also enhanced it through the week, to include the Lionesses too. The children have been having lots of conversations about their favorite teams and players.

In the Water Tray we added some sea creatures, rubbish and nets to help the children understand the concept of keeping our oceans clean to help protect the animals and the importance of recycling. We watched a short animation which helped understand this further https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P3ZgLOy-w8 Although there were challenging issues within it, as a little turtle had got stuck in some rubbish, it is important for the children to understand the impact they can have in a positive way for the future and what they can do to help. We then used the items in our recycling basket to make different models, using cellotape and glue to combine shapes together.

The planting area at the front has been extended slightly, so the children have been busy planting more seeds with Jo.

In the Dough Area the children have enjoyed using their fine motor skills to make a range of different things, including insects and cakes.

There has been a keen interest in Dinosaurs too this week and the children have been interested in the dino facts in our Dinosaur encyclopedia. Next Thursday, is Dinosaur Day so we will be investigating dinosaurs further in our different areas of provision.

In Phonics we recapped the ‘s’,’a’,’t’ sounds we have learnt so far and introduced the ‘p’ sound. We played Bertha’s Bus and thought of all the animals that begin with a ‘p’.

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came to our Stay and Play, it was lovely to have you in and the children always love it too.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.

The Green Room Team

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